Skälsnäs Gård

We have been offering peace and quiet since the 1980s.

Dashboard mockup

Cottages, fishing and activities all year round

Here at Skälsnäs Gård, we have offered peace and quiet since the 1980s. We have three cabins for rent, all beautifully situated with immediate proximity to nature and outdoor life. Two of these are also very close to Solgen's beach, rich in fishing. There is a lot you can do in Småland and on the farm, check out the various activities that we have collected some information about what you can find during your stay here - if you don't just want to enjoy nature and the peace!

All year round
Two of the cabins, Nyanäs and Näset, can be rented all year round. Spring and autumn are typical fishing months. It is usually then that the fish in the lake are most lively. Those who visit us in the winter enjoy ice fishing, skiing, and sitting in front of the wood burning stove and cozying up. Wood for the wood-burning stove is included in the rent.